Sunday 25 April 2010

First for everything.

This is my first post. Although you probably guessed that since it's the only one so far. Ok so I started this blog to share some things about me, my life, my hobbies. I think it is going to take a while to get used to talking to a keyboard.
I am at home from university for a few days, this always means that I end up making things instead of working. True to form I made a couple of cards yesterday,
I got the ideas off How About Orange.
Here they are:
They aren't my best but they distracted me from my ICT assignment. I'm hoping to get chance to make some more cards before I go back, the spare card supply is diminishing.

Anyway at the moment I am listening to The book of love by Peter Gabriel. It is making me miss him rather a large amount. He is currently somewhere is Spain on his bike. It has been four week now since he went, there are another 23 days until he is back (but who is counting ey?).

I have been thinking about next year alot this week. Us trainee teachers are being shipped off to another campus whilst the outdoor studies are staying put. He is outdoor studies. I don't like moving full stop but moving in our final year is going to be hell. We will 'Make do and mend' I suppose.