Thursday 19 July 2012

Procrastination Baking

So I haven’t put away any of the washing but I have baked muffins. I made mars bar (well Morrisons version of mars bars) muffins and white chocolate & cranberry muffins. When it comes to cake, or any desert for that matter, we ignore the fact that I’m not supposed to eat wheat. The white chocolate was a bit oily and made the muffins a kind of soggy but it’s still cake! Anyway here's some photos:

Here's the recipe:
Just add in any extras that you like!

That’s all for now!

Heart Felt Fruit and Veg

For a while now I have been (slightly obsessively) sewing felt fruit and vegetables, this is the collection so far. They are all sewn by hand apart from the lettuce, which had a little help from my machine. There were a few more originally but they seem to have gone walk about (probably down the back of the sofa). I’ll put some tutorials up soon.

So far I’ve managed to make: 1 apple, 4 half apples, 2 oranges, 2 half oranges, 3 orange slices, a punnet of strawberries, 1 whole banana, 2 half bananas, a banana with a removable skin, 2 carrots, 1 tomato, 3 tomato slices, 1 lettuce and 3 lettuce leaves. There are also 3 carrots that I rejected after sewing because I decided they were too cartoon like (but very cute all the same).
At the moment I’m sewing 2 more half oranges, it is really quite addictive!

If your interested check out Helping Little Hands.

That’s all for now!