Sunday 2 May 2010

Buttons and beards

I found this, sorry can't remember where. Rather reminds me of a certain someone.
Today has been spent attacking some assignments, they're getting finshed slowly. I want to get them all done before he comes back, that is the hope anyway!
I'm off home again on Friday, my step-dad is in a show. It is his first show and I'm quite looking forward to it. Going home almost feels like being in a seperate place. Everything there is a calm and in the home bubble.
Anyway I wanted to show off my teacups, sounds ever so cool ey? I got them at the antique shop near us, I say antique shop it is more a treasure trove. It goes on forever and is always filled with nice things. I got these teacups for about a £1 each, I also found a jar of buttons at the antique shop so naturally I put the buttons in the teacups. Wow that is alot said about cups, here they are:

It's not the best picture in the world but you get the idea.

Just a little post for today.

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