Tuesday 7 August 2012

Flowers, flowers everywhere...

I’ve got a bit flower obsessed the last few days!

I found the Ellinee Design House Blog with lots of printables and templates, I’m a little in love.

That’s all for now!

Half orange and slice pattern

The scanner on my printer has decided to play ball at last! Well it will work so long as I save the image onto a memory stick instead of the computer. I hate technology sometimes! So I have put the pattern for half an orange and for an orange slice.

Now I didn’t have the wisdom to photograph them as I was making them but it’s pretty simple.
  • Sew the circle to the white circle.
  • Sew the white lines onto the orange.
  • Sew little dots onto your skin (3 bits of skin for half an orange or 1 for a slice) I did this using a slightly darker orange.
  • Sew your skins together (if making half an orange.)
  • Sew the skin to the circle
  • TA DA!

If you have any questions send me a message and I’ll be more detailed!

That’s all for now!

Friday 3 August 2012

To Do List

A while ago I created a To Do list based on one I saw somewhere online (if anyone has that link please send it me), its taken me until now to work out how to share them. There are three pages, each with a different quote. Enjoy!

That’s all for now,

Thursday 19 July 2012

Procrastination Baking

So I haven’t put away any of the washing but I have baked muffins. I made mars bar (well Morrisons version of mars bars) muffins and white chocolate & cranberry muffins. When it comes to cake, or any desert for that matter, we ignore the fact that I’m not supposed to eat wheat. The white chocolate was a bit oily and made the muffins a kind of soggy but it’s still cake! Anyway here's some photos:

Here's the recipe:
Just add in any extras that you like!

That’s all for now!

Heart Felt Fruit and Veg

For a while now I have been (slightly obsessively) sewing felt fruit and vegetables, this is the collection so far. They are all sewn by hand apart from the lettuce, which had a little help from my machine. There were a few more originally but they seem to have gone walk about (probably down the back of the sofa). I’ll put some tutorials up soon.

So far I’ve managed to make: 1 apple, 4 half apples, 2 oranges, 2 half oranges, 3 orange slices, a punnet of strawberries, 1 whole banana, 2 half bananas, a banana with a removable skin, 2 carrots, 1 tomato, 3 tomato slices, 1 lettuce and 3 lettuce leaves. There are also 3 carrots that I rejected after sewing because I decided they were too cartoon like (but very cute all the same).
At the moment I’m sewing 2 more half oranges, it is really quite addictive!

If your interested check out Helping Little Hands.

That’s all for now!